Snoring affects millions of people around the world at different times in their lives but if you are a chronic snorer whose habit is affecting your bed partner’s ability to get a good night’s sleep, it could be a sign of a problem. If you think you’ve tried everything without any luck, you’ve come to the right place. Take a look at our top tips to stop snoring.


What Causes Snoring?

Snoring happens when your airways collapse or when there is a restriction of air in your airways. When the soft tissues at the back of the throat vibrate, they make the sound that we know to be snoring. But what causes the collapse of the airways or restricts a person’s ability to breathe?


Snoring Problems May Be Caused By


Being Obese Or Overweight

Carrying extra weight, especially around your neck, can put your airways under pressure, resulting in snoring problems. Abdominal fat can also push the chest in the direction of the airways, which causes it to become floppy.


Nasal Congestion

Allergies, upper respiratory tract infections or the common cold can cause congestion in the nose.


manage tips to stop snoring melbourneObstructive Sleep Apnea

Chronic obstruction of the airways that results in a person waking up multiple times during the night is a potentially dangerous condition called sleep apnea.

A lack of oxygen forces the person to wake up gasping for air and has been associated with a number of other health conditions.


Drugs, Medication And Alcohol

Certain medications, recreational drugs and alcohol can cause a person to snore. Muscle relaxants and sleeping tablets can make the tongue go lax and cause the muscles in the airways to collapse. Smokers are more likely to snore.



Tips To Stop Snoring

There are many different techniques and adjustments you can make to address snoring problems. Many of them are lifestyle-related and can be done at home, however, if you are concerned about sleep apnea or need more tips to stop snoring, it’s a good idea to speak to your general practitioner.


Try to determine what’s causing your snoring problems

Conduct a lifestyle evaluation and try to pinpoint what it is that could be contributing to your snoring. Here are some tips to do that.


Lose Weight And Exercise More

Most people are carrying a bit of extra weight, and losing it can only benefit your body in a number of ways, including helping with snoring problems. Eating a healthier diet is one aspect; getting daily exercise is the other. Exercising every day can help you to get a better quality of sleep and assist in keeping your weight under control.


Review All Medications

If you are taking chronic medication, whether prescription or over-the-counter, see if it could be causing you to snore. Review your medication with your general practitioner if you are unsure.


Cut Back On Alcohol And Caffeine

If you smoke, you are almost guaranteed some improvement in snoring if you quit. If you drink alcohol in the evenings it is a good idea to scale it back or stop while you try to address snoring. Ideally, you should avoid alcohol for four hours before bedtime. Coffee late in the afternoon should also be avoided. Do this for at least a week to see if it improves snoring and the quality of your sleep.


Address Sinus Issues

If you know that your nose is blocked because of an allergy or illness, try sleeping with a humidifier in the room. A blocked nose will cause you to snore, so also investigate the source of allergens. You might need a new pillow or to have your pets sleep in another room if allergies are a problem.


Relook At Your Sleeping Position

Sleeping on your back is associated with heavier snoring, so if this is your sleep position, you might want to switch to sleeping on one side to address snoring problems. This is especially important if you are overweight or suffer from sleep apnea, because of the extra pressure that laying on your back places on your neck and throat.



Sleep Apnoea Tips To Stop Snoring

Sleep apnoea is a potentially dangerous condition that is associated with a host of health problems such as high blood pressure and heart problems. It can cause sleep deprivation and problems with memory and concentration that might put you at risk during the day.

Sleep apnoea needs professional intervention in order to ensure a continuous flow of air is moving through the airways. Your general practitioner may recommend a mouthguard or CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure), to keep you oxygenated throughout the night. A mandibular advancement splint is a device that could be helpful by keeping the mouth open and the upper jaw slightly forward.


The Importance Of Good Quality Sleep

Everyone needs good, high-quality sleep, every night to rejuvenate their body and mind, keep them safe against disease and help with stress management and mental health. Adults need an average of seven to nine hours to stay healthy so if snoring is interrupting your sleep it may have serious consequences for your health, particularly if you have obstructive sleep apnoea.


Should You Be Worried About Snoring Problems?

Snoring on its own is not dangerous and generally affects the snorer’s partner more than it does the person snoring. If your snoring is affecting your quality of sleep or that of your bed partner, or if you are exhibiting other signs that you may have sleep apnoea, it’s worth discussing your symptoms and lifestyle with your GP so you can get treatment.


Don’t allow snoring to interrupt your lifestyle or affect your quality of sleep. If you need tips to stop snoring, please consult with a professional. Please contact us for an appointment:

Armadale: (03) 9068 5355
Footscray: (03) 9068 5357
Niddrie: (03) 9068 5316

Is Sleep Apnea Hereditary?
is sleep apnea hereditary melbourne

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